Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment

BPPV Diagnosis & Treatment

Have you ever felt dizzy while raising or lowering your head? or when you wake up? This is benign paroxysmal vertigo, which causes benign but disturbing symptoms that hinder the patient from performing his daily tasks and activities.

Tadawi Medical Center offers benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment under the supervision of a group of specialized doctors.

What is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo?

It is one of the disorders that cause vertigo and dizziness. It affects all age groups, especially women and people over 50. It occurs suddenly when changing the head’s position for a short period, causing a feeling of inconvenience without endangering the person’s life.

What are the BPPV causes?

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo occurs when calcium crystals in the inner ear move from their normal position, causing false signals from the ear to the brain about body position.

When should I visit the doctor for dizziness?

The patient needs to see a doctor when the BPPV symptoms, in addition to dizziness, include having a sudden and severe headache, feeling chest pain, and difficulty breathing, in addition to the occurrence of numbness or weakness in the arms or legs. Double vision, stumbling in speech, and confusion for no reason are among the symptoms that require a quick visit to the doctor.

What is the best treatment for BPPV?

BPPV treatment does not require any therapeutic intervention, as it can go away on its own within a short period that does not exceed a few weeks or months, but in some cases, the patient needs some measures that relieve their vertigo symptoms, such as An exercise called the Epley maneuver is performed in the clinic to reposition the ear canal dust.

What are the BPPV symptoms?

  • The patient feels a short bout of dizziness.
  • Feeling the movement or rotation of things around him.
  • Feeling unwell and wanting to vomit
  • Loss of balance in the body.

How do you test for BPPV?

BPPV diagnosis is achieved by determining the patient’s medical history, observing the person’s eye movement during movement, and performing some physical examinations and tests that successfully diagnose the condition.

Is benign paroxysmal vertigo dangerous?

Positional vertigo is not dangerous, but it is annoying and causes distress to the patient when it occurs suddenly. Its danger lies when the vertigo attacks are very severe and frequent, which leads to an imbalance in the patient and makes him vulnerable to falls and physical injuries.

How long does BPPV usually last?

The BPPV treatment takes only 24 hours to resolve and may go away without treatment within a few weeks or months on its own.

What are vertigo maneuvers?

Epley Maneuver

One of the most common vertigo exercises performed on the side or ear causes vertigo, and it is recommended to do it every day before bed until the BPPV symptoms have disappeared for at least 24 hours.

  • The patient is seated on the bed with a pillow in the back.
  • Turn the head 45 degrees toward the affected ear.
  • Throws his back and shoulders on the pillow, and the head is outside of it at 45 degrees.
  • Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.
  • Quickly rotate the head 90 degrees, then hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Return to sitting in the correct position and stay seated for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 to 4 times daily.

Semont Maneuver

The Semont maneuver has cured 90.3% of patients. It is performed by following these steps:

  • Sit on the edge of the bed with a pillow in the back.
  • Turn the head 45 degrees to the right and lie down quickly on the left side, then hold this position for one minute.
  • Return to the sitting position, then lie down on the right side without changing the direction of the head, so that the person is looking down
  • towards the ground, then wait for a minute.
    Slowly return to a sitting position and look forward for 10 minutes.

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