Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Hair

prp for hair

The ideal solution to restore natural hair and stop hair loss, by injecting platelet-rich plasma into the scalp to stimulate hair growth naturally.

Charming beauty lies in the beautiful hair, this is not limited to women only, but also to men alike, so many people resort to methods that maintain the density and length of their hair, including PRP for hair growth that treats hair and baldness problems and stimulates its health and restores its vitality with high effectiveness and guaranteed results.

At Tadawi Medical Center, we offer you the latest non-surgical methods to treat all hair problems, including PRP for hair which restores the aesthetic appearance of the hair and restores the patient’s self-confidence.

At Tadawi Medical Center, we use the finest types of tubes to separate the plasma to produce a greater number of platelets rich in vitamins, growth factors and minerals that are beneficial for hair.

What is PRP for hair?

PRP hair injections are one of the modern cosmetic techniques for the treatment of hair loss. The plasma is extracted from the patient’s own blood by drawing the blood in a tube and separating the plasma rich in platelets and growth factors in special laboratories.

It is injected into the patient’s scalp so that the hair can benefit from the vitamins and proteins that accelerate tissue repair and revitalize damaged follicles.

What are the benefits of PRP injections for hair loss?

  • Stimulating new hair follicle growth.
  • Increase the thickness of hair follicles.
  • Treatment of hereditary and early baldness.
  • Hair breakage treatment.
  • Reduce hair shedding.

Does PRP increase hair length?

One of the most important benefits of PRP hair injections is that it helps to lengthen the hair and increase its density because it stimulates the body to produce collagen that maintains the hair health and stimulates the scalp follicles to grow and germinate new hair and accelerate its lengthening.

How many PRP sessions for hair?

Plasma hair treatment needs approximately 3 consecutive sessions, each positioned every 2 or 3 weeks, and the sessions are repeated every 4 – 6 months according to the condition of the hair to maintain the desired result of PRP.

Is PRP painful for hair?

PRP sessions do not cause pain, it causes mild tingling on the scalp that can bear it, and usually the doctor injects the area with local anesthesia, and after the session, pain can be controlled with painkillers, so there is no need to worry about that.

How long does it take for PRP to work on hair?

The actual results of plasma hair treatment do not appear until 3 months after the third or fourth session until the hair cells are renewed.

What are the side effects of PRP injections for hair loss?

PRP for hair rejuvenation is a safe treatment that does not cause any serious side effects, symptoms can be easily overcome with fast-acting medicine such as aspirin or ibuprofen, namely:

  • Tingling and itching at the injection site.
  • Feeling slight pain after the injection.
  • Minor redness.
  • Scalp tightening.
  • Mild headache.

How much does PRP for hair cost?

Plasma hair treatment is one of the least expensive therapeutic techniques to treat hereditary and early baldness and to obtain healthy, thick hair.

In general, the PRP session for hair price varies based on several factors:

  • The number of PRP hair injections.
  • The number of PRP sessions.
  • The hair patient’s condition and the baldness percentage.

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